
adibus offers solutions that enhance the travel experience for passengers as well as offering carriers and carriers benefits on an economically advantageous basis.
See our products below


Real-Time is the core element of efficient management of passenger transport. Provides PTA/PTO with Real-Time updated vehicle location. Requires GPS, Driver Terminal and Mobile Network Subscription.

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Passenger Information System / Infotainment

Information to passengers. Schedule, next stop, interchange options, news, weather, advertisement, etc.

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Next Stop Announcement

Following preloaded schedules and precise GPS positioning adibusLive will announce next stop through prerecorded voice announcement.


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Info Displays

Information to passengers. Schedule, next stop, interchange options, news, weather, advertisement, etc. 



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Automatic Passenger Counting

APC – Automatic Passenger Counting – using 3D camera technology with 99% accuracy. Publish passenger load in realtime. 


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Lane Management

Efficient and automatic space management at smaller stations with a limited number of lanes to cater for a large number of arrivals and departures.


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Destination Signs

Once driver has signed-in the adibus Backend – adibusLive – takes over control of Destination Signs via the preloaded schedules. Once driver has signed-in the driver only has to focus on driving the bus.


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Provision of Internet Access to passengers through Wi-Fi. 


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Info App

Passenger app for smartphone showing Real-Time arrival times based on precise GPS positioning, preloaded schedules and historical data keeping passengers fully updated at all times. Identical information can be displayed on a web page.


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Smart Drive

SmartDrive is a new feature related to El busses that is monitoring driving behavior in realtime as a bus traverse a route. This is the substitute for the old ECO drive related to the driving behavior of diesel busses.  


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Drive Emergency

Recorded video surveillance with internal and external cameras.


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Charge Plan

Is a tool for operators to optimize the charging of electrical vehicles.


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Consists of tools to optimize the planning and operation of buses, trams and trains.


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The planning tool is part of the Adibus Live platform, and referred to as Adibus Daily. 


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Is the daily – 24/7/365 – operation of the bus, tram and train fleet.


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Signal Priority

The traffics light module helps the bus getting “green wave” when passing traffic lights. 


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Driver can through driver terminal communicate with managementcenter. With VOIP the PTO avoid needs for mobilephones, radio etc.


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Driver Terminal

Used for driver to sin-in to the vehicle. Gives driver vital information about the route, driver behavior and passenger load etc.


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Automatic Speed Limitation

adibus ASL gives you the opportunity to create geofenced zones with certain speed limitation e.g. 30 km/h in School areas. 


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Driver App

The driver’s daily schedule on mobile app. Always updated with daily shift, what vehicle to drive and when, and what routes.

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